2018-19 MEETING
Dec. 14 -Separated: Children at the border
Film from PBS Frontline
Dec 21 - Prisoner Rights
Paul Wright, founder and director, Human Rights Defense Center and editor of "Prison Legal News"
Jan 4 - Hate Groups in America
Lecia Brooks, Southern Poverty Law Center
Jan 11 - Racial Justice
Center for Constitutional Rights -- Speaker to be announced
Jan 18 - Jazz and Civil Rights
Dick Lowenthal, jazz musician and educator
Jan 25 - Political Struggles in Africa
Ernest Harsch, Journalist and research scholar, Institute of African Studies, Columbia University
Feb 1 - Iran
Medea Benjamin, peace and human rights activist, author, and co-founder of CODEPINK
Feb 8 - POTUS vs. SCOTUS
Frank Askin - retired lawyer and scholar
Feb 15 - The Manufactured Memory of Slavery
Ethan Kytle and Blain Roberts, Professors of History, California State University at Fresno, co-authors of "Denmark Vesey's Garden"
Feb 22 - Venezuela and Colombia
Dan Kovalik, Adjunct Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh, author and lecturer on global human rights and author of "The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela, How the U.S. is Organizing a Coup for Oil"
Feb 29 - America's Abusive Immigration Practices
Center for Constitutional Rights -- Speaker TBA
Mar 7 - Roots of Gun Violence
Thomas Gabor, criminologist and international gun policy consultant and author of "Confronting Gun Violence in America"
March 14 - Film -- TBA
March 21 - Songs of Resistance
The Pink Slip leads us in songs of protest from legendary artists like Bob Dylan, Phil Ochs, and Woodie Guthrie
March 28 - The Bagel Party