At 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 14, 2023, our speaker was:
Dr. Catherine Blanchard.
The topic of her presentation on Zoom was:
"The Environment and the Law. - How international law addresses the Oceans in the era of climate change".
Click on this link to listen to the recording of her presentation:

Dr Catherine Blanchard is a licensed lawyer of Ontario, Canada. She completed her PhD at Utrecht University in October 2020.
She is an assistant professor at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
She teaches public international law, international environmental law and the law of the sea.
She has published on the protection of the marine environment, deep seabed mining, international fisheries law and oceans governance.
In recent years, Catherine has joined the Netherlands’ delegation in negotiations on the development of a new treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity, negotiations conducted under the auspices of the United Nations.
Catherine is working alongside marine biologists and ecologists from the Netherlands to investigate the interaction of marine sciences and international law for the protection of deep seabed ecosystems from mining activities.