Saturday, February 18 at 10:00 AM
"The Need to Defend Constitutional Rights Today"
Steve Warshell
​​Steve Warshell has been active in the labor and socialist movement since 1968.
He began his activities in High School in Illinois in the civil rights struggles for desegregation and open housing as well as fighting against the U.S. war in Indochina.
He continued as a trade unionist building unions and solidarity with workers on strike.
The fight for labor unity was always central to his activities and he has been active in the fight against the deportation of immigrant workers.
In 2005 through 2008 he participated in massive demonstrations and general strikes both in defense of workers victimized by the immigration police and to fight against laws that aim to blame immigrants for the deepening crisis of the capitalist system.
Today he continues these efforts with a special focus on defending the Cuban Revolution in demanding an end to the U.S. Embargo and the repeal of the Helms Burton Act.
He is a member of the Socialist Workers Party and currently lives in Miami.
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